Your Metabolism 

The process of losing weight fast and permanently shouldn't be so hard.  
However, most weight loss plans make things so difficult, don't they?  
And we all know that when something is too hard, we usually don't stick with it.  
Our plan is to help you with what we call the R.E.S.E.T Method.

R)  Reduce
This one is easy.  Reduce the calories each day.  When our body burns more calories than we consume, we lose weight.  So, even reducing your total calories each day will help you get rid of those extra, extra pounds that you're wanting to shed.

E)  Expel
This confuses some people because it's not as simple to understand.  However, when we Expel toxins from our body, everything begins to function at a higher level.  Your digestion will be more efficient.  Your body will absorb nutrients easier than before.  You'll feel less bloated.  You'll gain energy and clarity... and you'll feel "lighter" on your feet!

S)  Substitute
This is where a real DELICIOUS meal plan comes in.  Basically, we need to Substitute the bad, unhealthy, and yummy foods with heathier, and smarter food choices that still taste great.  
Nobody wants to eat "cardboard".  
Nobody really wants to starve themselves for 1 or 2 months either.  
So, when we put together our Lifestyle Meal Plan, we made sure to create a plan that incorporated many of the most popular "diets" together.  If you try to diet with a specific plan that you can't sustain after 30 days, you will definitely fail shortly after you quit eating that way.  
Our plan is designed to be something that you actually enjoy to follow for years after ending the initial "diet" phase.  
Our Meal Plan is also Anti-Inflammatory.  
Who wouldn't like less joint pain, less swelling, and less bloating?  
This sounds so good... where do I sign up?

E)  Enjoy
How many times have you dieted and you didn't Enjoy it?  
How many times have you failed your diet plan because you felt miserable the entire time?  
How many times did a previous diet fail you, even when you did everything that was asked of you?  
We decided to create a plan that everyone Enjoys!  Of course, dieting is never fun.  But, nothing in life is that bad if we can at least Enjoy it!
Your goal is to lose weight... Our goal is for you FEEL Healthier and Enjoy the ride!

T)  Transform
When you begin to see and feel the results, you won't be able to stop visualizing what level you can take yourself to!  Motivation is hard to find within ourselves, but when we have Accountability and Support from others, Transformation is possible!
We create an environment where failure is not an option and our patients are expected to Transform all aspects of their health.  Not just the outward appearance.

There you have it:  
-Reduce calories
-Expel toxins from your body
-Substitute bad with good
-Enjoy the journey
-Transform your life
A simple 5 step approach to maximizing your weight loss goals.

Looking for a shortcut?... 
Our program is designed with a couple "Fat Melting Secrets" that no one else in Richmond is offering.  You won't believe it until you see it, but we've cracked the code to a "Cheat Method" for even faster weight loss!

Our Weight Loss Program is unlike anything else you've tried before.
Of course, you need to watch what you eat, but imagine a complete program that teaches you the fastest way to:

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