Do you need to lose weight, or do you want to lose weight?  Your answer determines your success.  We can help.
Do you struggle to follow through when you start something new?  Imagine if we helped you succeed.
Do you feel like you're on this journey without a support system at home?  Imagine if we provided support.
Do you WANT our help? Or… Do you NEED our help?

People that WANT our help are usually the ones that don’t NEED our help. 
They tend to be successful on their own, but they know how valuable their time is and that the time it takes to hit their weight loss goals will take longer if they try to do it on their own. 
These individuals are driven enough to be successful at almost everything they do.
However, they know success comes quicker when seeking help from someone who has already created a plan and systems to follow.

The fact that they WANT our help, and decide quickly to accept our help, proves that they will see results much quicker than what is considered "normal" by everyone else's standards. 
We can easily help take these individuals to the next level in less than 30 days because they don’t spend time whining about change when we suggest it. 
They instead say, “Thank you for the insight!” And they take action… immediately.

In comparison…
 People that NEED our help are usually the ones that don’t WANT our help. 
They are the “window shoppers”, the “lookie-loos” searching for someone to just TELL them what to do, but they never take action. 

These individuals just don’t understand that getting outside help is the single most cost-effective strategy they can ever utilize in their weight loss journey. 
This type of person operates from a place of “scarcity” where they believe that they don’t have enough resources for a "fool-proof plan" that hundreds or even thousands have succeeded with before! 

They believe that if they only had the "one or two secrets" from someone else, they could lose 50 lbs in a week and they would keep it off forever!
Unfortunately, this is nowhere near the truth. 
To begin with… there is never just “One or two secrets” that will make all your extra weight fall off... AND STAY OFF

For example:
-Liposuction is temporary until the weight comes back on.
-Gastric sleeves are temporary until the weight comes back on.
-Gastric Bypass is often temporary until the weight comes back on.

The reason these "FAST" methods fail for almost everyone comes down to Mindset.

These people fail because they are just looking for a shortcut that doesn't exist.  
Even if they’re lucky enough to get some valuable tips from people online… the problem still lies in the fact that the material is so scattered, covering multiple methods, that they don’t know how to organize it into a plan that will give them a strategy whatsoever. 

It all comes down to Mindset. 
Abundance or Scarcity:
Abundance minded individuals are optimistic about the future. 
Scarcity minded individuals are pessimistic about the future.

If you WANT our help, let us know immediately. 
Together, we will get your health and weight on track starting on day 1. 
Your Abundance Mindset will not stop you from succeeding!

One thing we tell all our patients is this… 
“We don’t wear "kid gloves". 
We say it like it is. 
We’ll call you out if need be. 
But, we'll definitely be your biggest fan if you’re willing to accept that you are 100% in charge of your successes and your failures!” 

You’ll have us in your corner rooting you on, even when your closest friends and family members doubt your ability to succeed!

Once you get your Mindset correct, then The Accountability and Support will flow right to you.  Our staff will check in with you to make sure you're keeping track of your success, and we'll be there to support you on the good and bad days during this journey.

If this fired you up to finally take action... Call us immediately!

To Your Success,
Richmond Weight Loss Coaches
Advanced Medical Centers

p.s. – The fastest weight loss success comes to those who know what their strengths and weaknesses are, and they don’t waste time trying to build on their weaknesses
They hire someone to assist with their weaknesses, so they can master their strengths.
Not sure what your strengths are?  We'll help with that too!

Our Weight Loss Program is unlike anything else you've tried before.
Of course, you need to watch what you eat, but imagine a complete program that teaches you the fastest way to:

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